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A-200 Continuous Improvement System (PAO-62)

Objective: Ongoing monitoring helps to assess program operations and service delivery areas. The process ensures the necessary steps are taken to meet ECEAP Performance Standards, WAC’s, as well as goals and objectives, and to ensure that appropriate interventions are taken in a timely manner. This system includes monitoring, record keeping, and timely follow-up; ensures that all staff, including subcontractor staff, receives orientation, training, and monitoring on current ECEAP Performance Standards. On-going monitoring also helps to build trust and strong partnerships between staff, parents and community partners, which allow them
to share best practices and program strengths striving for program excellence.


  • Regularly scheduled ECEAP team meetings occur monthly with the Program Manager, Specialists, Family Support and classroom staff to review and assess data, performance standards, record keeping and timely follow up.
  • Child file checklist is used to monitor record keeping.
  • ELMS reports are used to monitor and track screenings, enrollment, developmental screenings, parent teacher conferences and family support visits.
  • TS GOLD data reports supports with monitoring and tracking program compliance for curriculum and assessment.
  • Monthly supervision meetings occur to support with program monitoring, sharing of pertinent ECEAP information related to monthly reminders and links.
  • Coaching meetings occur between lead staff and ECEAP coach to support Curriculum, Assessment, CLASS and ERS.
  • ECEAP program timelines are established to support staff with tracking program requirements specific to early childhood education, enrollment and health services. The timeline includes tasks and deadlines for 30-day enrollment, developmental and health screenings, TS GOLD checkpoints, parent teacher conferences and family visits.
  • Quarterly facility walk through are implemented to support ongoing monitoring of health and safety practices related to Performance Standards and licensing regulations.
  • Weekly Classroom Safety and Sanitation Checklists are completed to monitor the overall organization and safety of the classroom and playground.
  • Licensing monitoring occurs annually to support overall compliance with Washington State Administrative Codes.
  • MERIT System is used to track portable background checks, annual professional development trainings and professional development plans.
  • Staff Training Program is tracked using our Professional Development Tracker.
  • Meal time observations occur three times a year to support ongoing monitoring and compliance of ECEAP and USDA requirements.

Adoption Date:  First Reading 4.23, Adopted 5.23

  • (A)
  • A-200 Continuous Improvement System
  • PAO-62